Modern Heirloom: Holistic Wellbeing

integrative nutrition programs

  • Integrative Health Coaching

    Single Virtual Session

  • Essential Self-Love Program

    Beauty + Wellness + Nutrition

  • Modern Heirloom Life

    Integrative Nutrition + Health Coaching Program

Rachel Lyn, Modern Heirloom: Holistic Wellbeing // Practitioner

Your Guide

  • Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

  • Licensed Massage Therapist

  • CranioSacral Therapy Practitioner

  • Ayurvedic Body Therapy Practitioner


Services, sessions and offerings with Rachel Lyn encourage connection to self nurturance and body intelligence.

Book a Discovery Call

Find your optimal self-care option to receive. Book a comp discovery call to find the fit.

Up-level your body intelligence